Tea has become more a style than just another drink that you can get anywhere. In most cultures in the world the drinking habit has upgraded to ceremonial level that eventually made tea plays a special role in most part of the world whereas the related rituals have also been introduced along.

The extensive of tea drinking habit to a cultural phenomenon earned a considerable attention worldwide, hence tea drinking became a prestige experience that right sell in most upscale F&B outlets. If you would like to add high quality tea in your restaurant or hotel for your customers in Mauritius and checking for the best tea distributor to make your order, check for the below listed criteria and find if there are any supplier available completing below.


Variety of the tea products available is surely one of the key reasons to choose a tea distributor. If you had to refer several suppliers in order to get different varieties of tea products it would be not that convenient especially when you are busy with focusing your busiest m. Getting variety of tea products from a single supplier will save your precious time, and so as money and energy as well.

Getting variety of tea products may cause to attract more customers with different tea tastes and so as you can cater for many tea preferences of different customers.


It is determined that the source from where you get tea varieties also matter the taste, ambience, smell and the quality of the tea. When you refer to a tea distributor, you may also check from where they get the tea supplies. If it’s from a reputable source that is recognized for high quality tea it will be also an added advantage to reach your product to the target market, especially when you are branding your product.


The next important fact about choosing a tea distributor is the freshness of the products that you can get from them. The quality of the tea is mostly depending on the freshness of the products you get. When you are considering a tea distributor in Mauritius to finalize make sure you are also checking the freshness of the supplies and if the frequent supplies you get are fresh enough to get the regular supplies.

If the supplies you get from the distributor is not fresh enough it will matter the quality and the taste of the tea that you serve in your outlet which may directly affects your brand name and so eventually the revenues as well.


Another important point to consider when choosing a tea distributor in Mauritius is the experience the distributor has.

The experience here defines a vast area. It is relevant for the maturity the distributor has in the industry which B2B customer the supply serves, the experience, knowledge, and the maturity about the tea products, and so the distributor can guide and help the customer accordingly to pick the products. Linking up with an experienced tea distributor will be an asset to your business as well.

Customer Service

The next important point is the level of the customer service the distributor has. When it comes to a whole sale supplier the customer service of the distributor is very much important as anything else. Mainly, it is important to see how a long term business relationship can work with the particular supplier.

The supplier you refer has to be flexible and helpful enough in continuing the purchases. Also the availability of the supplier on your convenience to assist specially on urgent matter is also important when refer a tea distributor.

Minimum Order Quantities

When you choose a tea supplier you may also see the regulations and the conditions the particular supplier has. Some of the tea distributors are having a defined number of minimum order quantities while some are flexible at this point.

You may check if such conditions and regulations work with your business and see if the orders you make are enough to fill the required count. Or else it is always recommended to proceed with a supplier who can adjust for the number of orders you make.

Competitive Pricing

One of the primary aspects of choosing a tea supplier in Mauritius is the pricing. Check if you get competitive prices when get your suppliers. A reliable tea supplier always having affordable and reasonable prices for their customers. And when you check for the prices also make sure that you get good quality products for a good price.

Here we have listed a few key things that you can consider when choosing a tea supplier in Mauritius.